Some go for the ‘MIDNIGHT MADNESS” Holiday Sale Nov 24.
“All told, a record 247 million shoppers visited stores and websites over the four-day weekend starting on Thanksgiving, up 9.2 percent of last year,”

My Dear Ones Out There, November 26, 2012

Some ‘shop till they…”. Others get their ‘Highs’ volunteering to help SANDY’s worst hit victims. And do so Before, during, and After the Thanksgiving Holiday.

Monday, November 5, 2012, 9 PM – Latest News

“We continue to hope that you are all safe and well in the wake and aftermath of the storm. We are humbled by the outpouring of support the members of our community have shown in the past few days during these relief efforts. In addition to our own lunch program and shelter, through the power of community we mobilized relief efforts in response to requests for assistance. In just seven days, BJ members and friends mobilized to donate and deliver, in more than thirty (30) carloads, dozens of gallons of water, 650 meals and snacks, hundreds of pounds of food, countless flashlights and batteries, and warm blankets and clothing to residents on the Lower East Side, East Village and the Rockaways.

The grateful recipients were residents of two Lower East Side apartment complexes (Weinberg Apartments and Podell House) and the Sirovich Senior Center. These programs are run by Educational Alliance, a Jewish social service agency on the Lower East Side and East Village which serves 50,000 people a year.

And, on Sunday we received word that both Temple Beth El in Rockaway Park and West End Temple in Neponsit had suffered terrible damage. Our volunteers were at the ready, mobilizing immediately to deliver supplies and begin the arduous task of assessing damage to sanctuaries, torot, siddurim and books, as well as providing support to the rabbis of these two communities. Our volunteers went door to door visiting members of these congregations to assess their needs. This effort continued through today and, one week later, we see that the immediate needs are still great, but they are quickly changing.”

Quoted from Congregation B’nai Jeshurun* SOCIAL JUSTICE Page, which became an on-going Call For Action to help Hurricane SANDY victims in the poorest, least served areas of NYC.

* * *

We are All One Family

First Prinicple: Readiness to Act Despite Obstacles

I hope most of you have experienced a return of services and a repair of most damages caused by SANDY.

But in the hardest hit areas, like Red Hook, Brooklyn, Far Rockaway, Queens, the Lower East Side, Manhattan, And areas on Long Island peoples are still stuck, as if in a time warp.
And the big organizations whose job it is to help these communities are continuing to show delays, ineffectiveness and mind boggling ineptitude in helping those who most need help.

Notice the date of the quotation which Leads this post.
By November 5, days after SANDY ravaged New York City, people whose job is not to provide disaster relief were busy for days on end providing emergency aid to the weakest, least Headline worthy communities in NYC. The belong to B’nai Jeshuru, an Upper West Side Congregation.
Much further from The Rockaways or Red Hook than City Hall is.
But they mobilized quickly – despite such ‘minor’ difficulties as the NON-FUNCTIONING TELEPHONES in the BJ offices.

Monday, November 5, 2012, 9 PM – Latest News
Helping the BJ Community

Although power has been restored and life returns to normal for many of us, we encourage you to continually check in on BJ members and their families, particularly the more vulnerable, to offer support.The BJ office phone system remains out of service so please call 646-262-7421 for emergencies, or send an email.”

As I blogged on November 10th, Zachary Stieber – in a front-page article headline “Staten Islanders who Lost Homes Boosted by Volunteers” – was calling attention to the crucial role of volunteers in helping residents who were left ‘high and dry’ by the big emergency relief organizations. In the village Voice, Nick Pinto raised the alarm even earlier, in an October 31 post titled “‘The Disaster District’ – Assemblyman Phillip Goldfeder’s Devastation Neighborhoods.” But the members of such civic and religious groups and organizations were – and still, I am sorry to say, ARE – only people who seem to have heard; and who responded by fashioning creative solutions to the seemingly insoluble challenges.

Once more, I need to stop the writing of this Post for a bit.

i want to leave you , My Dear Ones Out There, with the question :
How come it is the simple folk of organizations like B’nai Jeshurun who heed the call of the most disadvantaged – and the hardest hit – neighborhoods, and to care for their suffering and plight?

NOVEMBER 23 2012
The South Street Seaport

November 29
My Dear ones, I have had an immense illumination in the past three days. But when I began to write it, it unfolded in long segments.
I have to once more change course:
Rather than make this Post –

Prayer is a Call to Action, Pt 1

far too long, I am chopping it right at this point.

I will take up the elaboration of the parallels between the Imaginary CHELM and New York City following Hurricane SANDY in the next post:

Prayer is a Call to Action, Pt 2

I leave you, however, on a Colorful note.

Gee’s Bend
Patchwork Quilt
Reminder Beauty is

As my Native American Medicine Path teachers loved to conclude both prayers and ceremonies:

It Is Finished in Beauty! It Is Finished in Beauty !



For now, I send all of you the blessings I learned from my diverse teachers, guides and mentors as I progressed on my ‘Spiritual Trek’

As well as a greeting/blessing from the Muslim praying community:

Assalaamu Alaykum = Peace be with You (Muslim )

Walk in Beauty! (Native American Shamans)

Namaste! (Buddhist Devotees)

God Bless You ( Christian Masters)

Baruch Hashem ! (Jewish Rabbis)

May the Journey by Fruitful,
May the Return be Joyful (my own )

Finally, here is the Tri -Partite Biblical Blessing of the Cohens (Priests)

May the LORD (YHWH) bless you and guard you –

יְבָרֶכְךָ יהוה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ
(“Yivorekhekhaw Adonai v’yishm’rekhaw …)

May the LORD make His face shed light upon you and be gracious unto you –

יָאֵר יהוה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ
(“Yo’ayr Adonai pawnawv aylekhaw vikhoonekhaw …)

May the LORD lift up His face unto you and give you peace –

יִשָּׂא יהוה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם
(“Yisaw Adonai pawnav aylekhaw v’yasaym l’khaw shalom.”)


C2012 Dinnah G. Pladott All Rights Preserved

FOR Educational Purposes Only

My Dear Ones Out There NOVEMBER 10, 2012

Many of you are young enough not to have heard the phrase THE UGLY AMERICAN,” or to know its full implications.
So I will begin by giving you a short introduction via Michael Meyers attempt to ‘debunk’ some of the negative attributes regarding Americans that had become associated with this catchy Phrase.

In an essay in the July 10, 2009, New York Times, Michael Meyers writes in the “Still ‘UGLY’ After All these Years“:

In the annals of misunderstood titles, a special place belongs to William J. Lederer and Eugene Burdick’s novel “The Ugly American.” Today, the phrase is shorthand for our compatriots who wear tube tops to the Vatican or shout for Big Macs in Beijing. But as summer vacation season begins (at least for those who can still afford it), it’s worth recalling that the impolitic travelers in “The Ugly American” aren’t drunken backpackers or seniors sporting black socks, but the so-called educated elite of the diplomatic corps, whose insensitivity to local language and customs prompts observations like this:

“The simple fact is, Mr. Ambassador, that average Americans, in their natural state, if you will excuse the phrase, are the best ambassadors a country can have,” […][To Quote a visitor, “They are not suspicious, they are eager to share their skills, they are generous. ..”


I would like to extend Meyers’ distinction : the UGLY American is often anyone in any Political office or Position of Power.
In Washington, or anywhere else in the 50 states.
But when you come to the Common Man and Woman in the USA, the experience is drastically different.
The person ‘next door’, male or female, young or old, of whatever religion, faith, creed, race, or ethnicity is – by and large – an extremely helpful and decent individual. Andy they always come out in numbers to lend a helping hand when any kind of catastrophe takes place.

And the key Meyers words still apply in the Post SANDY struggle to help those who suffered most: ‘they are eager to share their skills, they are generous. “. And I would add this:

‘they go out of their way to share all of their resources – material and otherwise – to help those who are Most Needy to a) reduce their misery , and b) to assist them in regaining a measure of ‘normal’ life.’


I must admit, I was crying uncontrollably when I read the first account of how the common people – not the organizations or the governmental agencies – are mobilized ‘on the ground’ to aid the areas in and around New york City most devastated by SANDY.

The Title read ‘Staten Islanders who Lost Homes Boosted by Volunteers’

The writer, Zachary Stieber, ‘led’ with the opening phrase:

“Often referred to as the ‘forgotten borough’, State Island hit the spotlight for all the wrong reasons last week. The South Western part of the island closer to New Jersey than to Manhattan or Brooklyn was among those hit hardest by Hurricane SANDY.”

What Stieber did NOT say is that getting to Staten Island is complicated – there are THREE small bridges to New Jersey, one large one to Brooklyn, and one ferry line to Manhattan.

But as the Epoch Times informed me, that did not stop the Volunteers. On page 3, November 6, ZACHARY STIEBER quotes Staten Island residents who are moved by the commitment of hordes of volunteers to come and support the thousands Staten Islanders who have been Hard Hit by SANDY:

“Seriously, this week everybody is asking me if I am hungry – I mean you can literally get fat in these five days,” said Oleg Krivenko, who lived in a second floor apartment on Staten Island in Tottenvile [one of the most ravaged areas].” His home was flooded by the storm and condemned by the city.

Stieber continues:

“While RED CROSS, FEMA and the NATIONAL GUARD have pitched in the volunteers span across the mid-level volunteer relief- churches and communal organizations – down to the individuals from across the city and country.
“The volunteers we have had are unbelievable” says a resident, who wished to remain unnamed. “I can’t believe the amount of people who have come to help.””

And Staten Island is not the One single recipient of the GENEROUS AMERICANS. On the very same page 3 of the November 6 The Epoch Times, James Smith writes a Head Line: NEWYORKERS STEP UP TO HELP THE NEEDY. And he states:

“A swarm of good spirited volunteers hit Lower Manhattan’s East River Market District to assist the stores in getting back to business.”

I will not quote any further from these accounts, because I keep getting teary at the spectacle of New Yorkers – and ‘Out of Towners’ who travelled far just to come and help here – showing by example that the American(s) are Not so Ugly, as individuals as well as members of civic rather than political organizations.


There is no discrimination here, not by race, not by sex, not by creed, faith or religion. Not even by nationality (immigrants as opposed to Native born Americans.)


I want to complete this account by posting some links to helpful organizations – aside from your own local community + Civic organizations, churches, synagogues, mosques, or other religious centers.

– was terribly devastated by SANDY. Visit and
* also has help teams in Red Hook (Brooklyn), State Island, and the Lower East Side. Just insert the relevant name ahead of the ‘’
*See also Red Hook Initiatives,
For more ‘traditional’ options, see GROUPS ON THE FRONT LINES in the November 8 ,p 10 of THE WEST SIDE SPIRIT

You may also get MANY good tips on volunteering opportunities from Peter Greenberg’s VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES TO HELP HURRICANE SANDY’S VICTIMS



– That is YOU and ME

I want to go back to the beginning, to the idea that we are all – no matter what distinctions separate us – actually relatives, kinfolk of one another. The many volunteers who help out the SANDY victims know this in their guts.
Those who try to emphasize – and Denigrate – the differences of religion, race, ethnicity , sex or age among us are blind, or worse.

I have said in my last post, “Hurricane SANDY + Its Challenges, Pt 2“, ‘WE ARE ALL CONNECTED! WE ARE ALL GOD’S CHILDREN.’

As I was writing today’s post, I suddenly recalled the famous Traveling Photograph Exhibit which I was lucky to see as a young child:


It occurred to me that so many of SANDY’S PICTORIAL examples are ‘collective’ ; a group portrayal, rather than a depiction of an individual.

I want to conclude this post, therefore, with a very individual portrait of a woman who is clearly suffering.
Each of the victims of SANDY is likewise an individual, a single member of the Family of Man. Let us remember that.

The Face of a Suffering Sister-Mother-Daughter

May we all remember – there, but for the Grace of God, go I …

May we all practice – LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF !

That is what all these volunteers are telling us by their loving actions.

* * *

*Hurricane SANDY +Its Challenges, Pt.1

*Hurricane SANDY+ Its Challenges, Pt.2

*My ABOUT Page



*SEE Photographs from The FAMILY of MAN Exhibit HERE

*BUY The FAMILY OF MAN BOOK (Paperback).

For now, I send all of you the blessings I learned from my diverse teachers, guides and mentors as I progressed on my ‘Spiritual Trek’

As well as a greeting/blessing from the Muslim praying community:

Assalaamu Alaykum = Peace be with You (Muslim )

Walk in Beauty! (Native American Shamans)

Namaste! (Buddhist Devotees)

God Bless You ( Christian Masters)

Baruch Hashem ! (Jewish Rabbis)

May the Journey by Fruitful,
May the Return be Joyful (my own )

Finally, here is the Tri -Partite Biblical Blessing of the Cohens (Priests)

May the LORD (YHWH) bless you and guard you –

יְבָרֶכְךָ יהוה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ
(“Yivorekhekhaw Adonai v’yishm’rekhaw …)

May the LORD make His face shed light upon you and be gracious unto you –

יָאֵר יהוה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ
(“Yo’ayr Adonai pawnawv aylekhaw vikhoonekhaw …)

May the LORD lift up His face unto you and give you peace –

יִשָּׂא יהוה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם
(“Yisaw Adonai pawnav aylekhaw v’yasaym l’khaw shalom.”)


C2012 Dinnah G. Pladott All Rights Preserved

2012 For Educational Purposes Only



* * * * * * * * * *

Prayer takes the mind out of the narrowness of self-interest, and enables us to see the world in the mirror of the holy. For when we betake ourselves to the extreme opposite of the ego, we can behold a situation from the aspect of God. Prayer is a way to master what is inferior in us, to discern between the signal and the trivial, between the vital and the futile, by taking counsel with what we know about the will of God, by seeing our fate in proportion to God.
Prayer clarifies our hope and intentions. It helps us discover our true aspirations, the pangs we ignore, the longings we forget.
It is an act of self-purification, a quarantine for the soul.
It gives us the opportunity to be honest, to say what we believe, and to stand for what we say.
For the accord of assertion and conviction, of thought and conscience, is the basis of all prayer.

Abraham Joshua Heschel, MAN’S QUEST FOR GOD, Excerpts.  

My Dear Ones Out there November 4, 2012

I did not envision Part 2 of the series, “Hurricane SANDY +Its Challenges” to come into being in such a sombre and dark mood. But I am feeling very viscerally the pain, hardship, and out and out misery of the people in the New York City – on all its boroughs. Along with the suffering being experienced by the people on Long Island, upstate New York, and all the shore-lying areas of New Jersey, and Connecticut.
It just boggles the mind to see, hear, touch and be touched by the pain and courage of the simple people, on the one hand.
And the obtuseness, crudeness and cruelty of those criminals who prey on that suffering – from the petty thieves to the politicians.

Having said that, I want to take a step back, and go back to what drove me to write Part 1 of this series.

It was a wordless, Gut Sense that the Divine Mother/Father is sending a message to the human race – and to us Americans in particular – that it is no longer tenable or permissible to go on with out ‘business as usual’ demeanor.

Volunteers Bring Aid in Far Rockaways
Still ‘Dark’ on Nov 10th

Associated Press/John Minchillo “Volunteers knock on doors at the Sand Castle houses to provide food and supplies to residents who continue to live without power in the Far Rockaways section of the Queens borough of New York, Saturday, Nov. 10, 2012″


I did not expect to write this – the Commandment from the Ten Commandments most revered by ancient Jewish Rabbies.
And yet this is what I need to write before anything else.
It is also why I am posting again the Celtic Prayer Symbol, and listing under it all the eleven attributes printed on the individual prayer flags that make up this symbol,

They are all Heart Centered attributes. Even Wisdom – which is totally different from intelligence, or smartness, or educated knowledge.
Even ABUNDANCE is Heart-Centered. Consider the folks you know, who have little material possessions, but feel rich and act generously.
Contrast them to some of the Supper Rich folk you know, and how unhappy and lost they are despite all their millions, and in the face of their gazillion possessions.
But I am getting ahead of myself.

A Scrawled Cry for Help – by
The Old + Frail Left in the Darkness
Far Rockaways,, November 10th

“Despite power returning to many neighborhoods in the metropolitan area, residents of the Far Rockaways continue to live without power and heat due to damage caused by Superstorm Sandy.(AP Photo/John Minchillo)


The first line in the quoted passage, above, sets the key – in a musical sense – for the whole passage:

“Prayer takes the mind out of the narrowness of self-interest, and enables us to see the world in the mirror of the holy.”

When we are consumed by self-interest, we are blind to everything – to the wonders of nature, to the miracle of life all around us, and to the holiness that permeates every aspect of existence; be it human, animal, vegetation, mineral, waterway.
And yet we as human beings have allowed ourselves to become consumed by physical, material, and comfort-based self-interest,

Consider just Three Major Global challenges that we face in the 21st Century:

*Pollution of the air we breathe
*The melting of the polar ice that indicate Global Warming is a big issue
*The increasing pollution of oceans and seas by human-engendered garbage that is NOT bio-degradable.

Consider also the fact that Global truly means ‘ever-present’:
The fire in Indonesia sent smoke-based pollutants to the Americas, North AND South.
The plastic refuse material dumped into the Atlantic Ocean may end in the Mediterranean, the Pacific Ocean, or the Chinese coasts.

Years before this state of affairs, Heschel warns us to get our priorities straight:

“Prayer is a way to master what is inferior in us, to discern between the signal and the trivial, between the vital and the futile, by taking counsel with what we know about the will of God, by seeing our fate in proportion to God.”

What does Heschel mean by the reference to ‘the will of God ‘? I hazard a guess that the Ten Commandments sum up economically what the ‘Will of God’ is.

Hurricane SANDY as a Warning Bugle Call


NOT Everyone knows the Ten Commandments – but a majority in the Western World do.
The Commandments are in full harmony with the Budhhist credos, and with what many of Muslims believe to be the heart of Islam.

As I was cowering in my house on Monday night and Tuesday – October 29 and 30 – I did not think of anything except praying for survival.
For myself, for my loved ones, for my city, for the people I love all over the city, and for the whole crowd of faceless thousands and hundreds of thousands of people all along the Hurricane’s path.

But on Wednesday, when it was clear that my immediate circle of family and friends were mostly safe – though many of them did NOT have water, electricity, or heat – I started getting this sense, a sort of a wordless ache in the pit of my stomach.

It may sound terribly presumptuous.
And it may be – big-headed, rash, arrogant , insolent, the whole list of attributes.
The sense – or pain – in the pit of my stomach was mute, soundless, yet very clear in its import.

*The Divine is Speaking to us through this Hurricane” Was the first coherent fragment.
*Soon after, an additional fragment : “We’d Better Listen,”
*And then came the third piece: “We must make some real changes in how we live our lives as a group. As a Species.”



Reminder :
We ARE ALL A Vessel of God’s Love – in Potential as well as in Reality.

This is when I realized that I needed to start putting words into sentences. Even if it feels awkward. Especially if it feels terrifying, and out of character for me.

So I am writing. Sentence by Sentence, Paragraph by Paragraph. Because we need to make radical changes in the way we human beings live.

In order to ensure that our children, and grandchildren, and grand-grandchildren, and their grand-grandchildren, will have a world that is habitable by human beings.

UPDATE, November 11

As You Can Read in the November 10th Posting, ‘Hurricane SANDY + the Not So UGLY AMERICANS’ ,
a grassroots swelling flood of volunteers has come out from various places, near and far.
They go out to the most stricken areas. And go Door to Door with food, medicines,water, and information, to help the home-bound victims of Hurricane SANDY.

For the most frail, sick or elderly, they provide emergency evacuation to hospitals and shelters.
Bless Them, each and every one of them!!
I posted these two photographs – published yesterday, Nov 10 –
-so that you can actually see in what conditions people have been virtually imprisoned, for ten and more days. And in what circumstances the volunteers are carrying out their wonderful help and assistance.

I cried when I first read about it, I cried when I wrote about it in yesterday's blog post;and am crying now as I am updating this post.
Because all those individuals are actually living , breathing proof that what I have written above and below this 'Update' is NOT a Utopian or naive vision. Human Beings ARE essentially Open Hearted and Generous! We have just strayed from that path….

Below, I have also added some links for those who may want to contribute to these volunteering helping squads.

Look at the photographs I have posted ABOVE, made public only last night (November 10-11):
SANDY has been horrendously cruel to the weakest among us – the elderly, frail and sick.
The pictures show the generous – and unstoppable – volunteers who are exemplifying the true Love Filled virtues emblazoned on the Celtic Prayer Symbol!!!

Any help you may be able to provide will be BOON to those still imprisoned in High Rise buildings with no electricity, heat or water.
* * *

I resume here the body of the Post as originally written.

In order that our children, and our children’s children, and their grandchildren and grand-grandchildren thrive, not just survive, we must begin to regenerate and revitalize our world, our universe in all possible ways.

We must ensure that we leave them as a legacy a world that is Habitable physically, first of all; and then, also habitable emotionally, morally, spiritually, ethically…

We must make sure to leave them a Human World, rather than an In-Human World.





Opportunities To Volunteer + Assist

I am posting information now that was not available to me at the time I wrote the original Post.
The needs are still immense – especially in Staten Island the Far Rockaways in Queens; Red Hook in Brooklyn; and other Low Lying beach areas.
Many of the links, below, allow you to donate money so that someone else may be sent to go door-to-door in your name.
Any aid you can provide will be GREAT!

It ALL Counts!

* ROCKAWAYHELP.COM – Organized by local resident Jessica Klein, with frequent updates of needs

* STATENISLAND.RECOVERS.ORG – organized in conjunction with Occupy Wall Street, with frequent updates of needs.

* REDHOOK.RECOVERS.COM – does similaar service for the most affected Brooklyn neighborhood.

* CITYHARVEST.ORG – an incredible organization. If you are far from NYC, you can sponsor a volunteer that will go door-to-door in one of these areas.

*FOODBANK.NYC.ORG – join by filling out a form, and become one of the response teams.

*NYSERVICE.ORG – NYC All Purpose Catch All volunteering site.


For now, I send all of you the blessings I learned from my diverse teachers, guides and mentors  as I progressed on my ‘Spiritual Trek’

As well as a greeting/blessing from the Muslim praying community:

Assalaamu Alaykum  = Peace be with You   (Muslim )

Walk in Beauty!                                 (Native American Shamans)

Namaste!                                        (Buddhist Devotees)

God Bless You                                ( Christian Masters)

Baruch Hashem !                            (Jewish Rabbis)

May the Journey by Fruitful,
May the Return be Joyful                  (my own )

Finally, here is the Tri -Partite Biblical Blessing of the Cohens (Priests)

May the LORD (YHWH) bless you and guard you –

יְבָרֶכְךָ יהוה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ
(“Yivorekhekhaw Adonai v’yishm’rekhaw …)

May the LORD make His face shed light upon you and be gracious unto you –

יָאֵר יהוה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ
(“Yo’ayr Adonai pawnawv aylekhaw vikhoonekhaw …)

May the LORD lift up His face unto you and give you peace –

יִשָּׂא יהוה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם
(“Yisaw Adonai pawnav aylekhaw v’yasaym l’khaw shalom.”)


C2012 Dinnah G. Pladott All Rights Preserved

2012 For Educational Purposes Only